Story in a Tweet #5

People walked all over me all the time. I didn’t say a word. I abided by the rules. Till those noisy, rude, impish kids stomped on my very respect. I had to say a stern ‘Excuse me’. Now no one comes around to bother me. They whisper warnings that the place is haunted.

Dinker Charak

Dinker has over a decade of experience in building products across diverse domains such as Industrial Automation, Home Automation, Operating Systems, High Energy Particle Physics, Embedded Systems, Online Video Advertising, Messaging, K-12 education and Private Banking. He also founded Gungroo Software. He books '#ProMa: Product Management Tools, Methods & Some Off-the-wall Ideas' and 'The Neutrinos Are Coming and Other Stories' are available globally. He also manages, an Indian Sci-fi portal.

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