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‘Universal Religion’ Paradox

A believes that all beliefs are valid. B believes only its belief is valid. Does A believe that B’s belief is valid?
To elaborate: If A believes that all beliefs are valid, then A also believes that B’s belief is valid. But B’s belief is that only B’s belief is valid.

Then does A believe in the belief that only B’s belief is valid? If yes, then it is in direct conflict with A’s belief that all beliefs are valid, the belief due to which A believed that B’s belief is valid. Hence, A can not believe in B’s belief?

Then does A not believe in the belief that only B’s belief is valid? If so, then again it is in direct conflict with A’s belief that all beliefs are valid.

Image: Brocken Inaglory/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY

Dinker Charak

Dinker has over a decade of experience in building products across diverse domains such as Industrial Automation, Home Automation, Operating Systems, High Energy Particle Physics, Embedded Systems, Online Video Advertising, Messaging, K-12 education and Private Banking. He also founded Gungroo Software. He books '#ProMa: Product Management Tools, Methods & Some Off-the-wall Ideas' and 'The Neutrinos Are Coming and Other Stories' are available globally. He also manages, an Indian Sci-fi portal.

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